"A Bridge Over Troubled Water" 
This picture was taken March 6, 2011 at the Brookville Water Dick Memorial Park at about 4:50pm. I worked a ten hour shift that day and had an hour lunch break between 4-5pm. The day before it rained, enough to cause the local streams to raise a few feet overnight. By morning the rain turned into sleet and later in the day it snowed. Because of the previous conditions, the snow stuck well to the branches of the trees. So on my way back to work I stopped by the Brookville Dam and ran out on the swinging bridge to snap a few HDR shots.
My Canon T2i Camera as a setting that allows one to brackets shots and then shoot them consecutively. Add a timer, and they shoot back to back to back within seconds. HDR shots are rather easy now.
This photo is of the swinging bridge downstream of the Brookville Dam. The North Fork creek was 5-6ft above normal levels and brown from the run-off.